
earphone that causes ear pain

Earphones are a device that you put directly into your ear canal. Due to this, if the earphones do not fit properly in the ears, they may cause pain and discomfort after a long period of time. When we use headphones or earphones, most people do not realize that they

gaming headphone

Headphones are not required for general use like other electronic devices, however, if you are a person who loves to spend most of the time playing games or listening to music then you should go ahead and get yourself some nice headphones. You can buy low budget headphones for simple

Why Earphones Get Tangled

Earphones are usually stored in a special case or pocket. But the earbuds still get tangled over time because of users who constantly put them on and off, rolling up or folding them for storage, throwing them haphazardly into bags… However, there is a physical reason why earphones often become